In the 100 year history of the SF Bay there has never been a recorded shark attack:
Dear Shark Divers,
I saw your blog while I was searching for information regarding San Francisco Bay, and I would appreciate if you could advise me.
I live in the UK and a friend of mine also from the UK, has been trying to persuade me to do a swim in 2009 from Alcatraz to San Francisco Bay. She has done it with a team last year and would like me to get involved.
Although I am interested in this idea and I see it as a great challenge, I am a bit afraid as I worry about the sharks in the bay. Do you get white sharks around Alcatraz towards the San Francisco Bay? Is it really dangerous to do a swim of this kind? What should I be wary of?
I would really appreciate your advice. It will help me to reach a final decision.
Thank you in advance and all the best!