The 2018 season at Guadalupe Island has been phenomenal so far. Thanks to Nicole Lucas from the Marine Conservation Science Institute, we have a way to identify and keep a record of all the sharks seen at Guadalupe Island. This is how we know that on our last expedition we encountered a record breaking 47 different individuals, including a whopping 16 sharks that have not been previously identified. This shattered our previous record of 34 individuals seen on a single trip.
Here is a list of all the sharks we encountered.
It's not just the number of sharks we encountered that was unusual. It was also the behavior of a couple of the new sharks. One individual, now officially named "Tryss", or crazy Tryss as I like to call her, displayed a very unusual behavior. She came to the cages multiple times, without any bait attracting her to them, sticking her nose into it, bumping the boat and squeezing through gaps. She did all that in slow motion, never freaking out like other sharks when they touch the cage, keeping her eyes open and totally aware of her surroundings.
Check out the pictures and videos of her.
"Tryss" coming between the cages and the boat.
"Tryss" sticking her nose into the cage.
Checking out the boat.
Sticking her nose into the cage.
Hello there!
Hey, anyone up there?
See ya guys!
In 18 years of diving with these amazing animals, I have never witnessed a shark behave like this. It just goes to show you that they will never stop to surprise you. That's why I love my job and am completely fascinates by these awesome creatures.
Shark Diver proudly supports the Marine Conservation Science Institute through our MCSI hosted expeditions. Joining us on one of these expeditions is a great way to learn about our sharks and support the research. Maybe you'll even get to name a shark, like the ones who just named "Tryss" on our last trip.
Let's go shark diving!,, 619.887.4275
Martin Graf
CEO Shark Diver
About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at