Over the
past three months tourism officials in
Mayalsia have been wrestling with the issue of shark
finning and a proposed boycott of the region by international divers seeking stronger protections for sharks.
Malaysia seems to be
rising to the occasion organically with the following announcement by the Saba Anglers Association (
Sabah Anglers' Association (
SAA) will use the
Sabah International Fishing Tournament 2009 as a platform for its Anti-Shark
Finning Campaign. The campaign's committee chairman,
Nilakrisna James, said
SAA was concerned at the depletion of unique fish in
Sabah waters, including protected species like sharks.
"In the past, we have voiced our concern on suspicious marine activities taking place in
Sabah waters which received lukewarm response from the authorities.
"We do not need a global boycott from the increasingly green-conscious international travellers to take matters seriously," she said at a press conference on the tournament here today.
Nilakrisna said
SAA was campaigning not only to ban shark
finning activities in the state, but also at the universal level.
"The ban should be universal and not just for the reason of protecting the tourism integrity or the diving business in the state," she said.
Editors Note: Any efforts by regional players in Malaysia towards anti shark
finning efforts should be encouraged. The gov response to the proposed dive boycott has been admirable thus far. The dive community should continue to encourage the tourism minister
in tandem with the fisheries minister to enact local laws
with a mix of tourism incentives to ban shark
finning entirely.