1. What draws you to sharks?
They are shaped beautifully. Just look at the curves on them. They are streamlined for perfect hunting. I get a huge thrill taking images of this shape in motion. From a tiger sharks snout to a basking sharks mouth. There is a lot to see.
2. How hard is it to shoot sharks vs say, blennys?
Blennys are beautiful also.They generally stay in their own area and pop their little heads out to see whats going on. Always a close background in the image. Sharks are always on the prowl and open water is where their at. Blennys tend to be easier by their nature. Stay still and a 105mm macro lens, your sure to get a good image. With sharks its a different ball-game. I mostly stay still when the sharks are around and use either 10-22mm or 18-55mm lens. If your shooting
upwards, watch out for your air bubbles in the frame.
3. Favourite shark story?
Coordinating a photo shoot with a great white and a diver. We noticed the great white sharks were coming up to try catch the bait on the surface. We were cage diving at Guadalupe with Shark Diver. But myself and Colin Ball from England arranged that when I give him the thumbs up sign, that he was to face me and put his two thumbs up while I captured the great white which was right behind him...We couldn't have planned it any more precise. I couldn't have laughed anymore while taking the images:)
4. Your take on shark finning and what to do about it?
Its like somebody coming up to you and cutting your arms and legs off.Then walking away.I think there must be a huge demand for these fins. You and I know that if you eat shark fins its no more going to cure you and make you healthy than it is if you drink pints of Guinness...If there was a pro active government agency in country's where shark finning takes place. A simple education system that categorically list benefits of NOT finning. So education is key.
5. Where's your next dive adventure?
Well, I live in Ireland, so there is plenty of good diving here. Abroad, I think the Coco Islands for the Hammerheads.
Editors Note: We could not agree with you more!