Shark Diver has been outspoken about this site from our inception. Guided by the principal that it is up to the operators on any shark site to protect and engage.
As front line sentinels we are often the first to notice problems or political issues that directly impact the sharks we work with. Last years ban on chumming at the island was one of those moments.
As we have long advocated within our industry shark diving operators can no longer afford the luxury of "fence sitting" at shark sites. We need to be engaged on the commercial level, the conservation level and the political level for the betterment of sharks both locally and regionally.
At Isla Guadalupe many of the forward thinking operators have done this organically, but much more work needs to be done.
When we first proposed this "idea" many years ago we were laughed at by many. The funny thing about "ideas" is that they often take on a life of their own - when the global reality of sharks becomes apparent to all.