This year’s season opener was a great success with some of the most exceptional sharking I’ve yet to see in four years of diving Guadalupe.
This year the Islander has continued to run out of Mexico, a decision that complies with the desires of Mexican authorities currently in charge of regulating activities in the Guadalupe bio-sphere reserve. The political situation down here is a tricky one at the moment as the fundamentals of how to and who is ensuring that operating standards are maintained is worked out. Basically Guadalupe is in a teething process while it moves from the cowboy days (a few years ago) of pouring cow blood into the water as chum to more ecologically sound practices.
While this process occurs operators such as the Islander feel it is important to comply with as many regulations as possible as we become part of the political solution rather than adhering to the bare minimum in order to sustain a business. To be fair I believe all operators down here have the same goal, to protect the sharks and the site.
Full reportHat Tip Image: Christie "my head was in it's mouth" Fisher, one of the better shooters we have met over the years.