Saturday, August 2, 2008 Report

From RTSea's Blog again. If it's perfect the first time why change anything:

If you have been trying to convince your friends and relatives about the importance of shark conservation but are being dismissed as "that crazy shark lover" - has issued a great report that puts the issue in perspective with easy-to-read terminology and documented examples.

Predators as Prey: Why Healthy Oceans Need Sharks makes a strong case for the need for shark conservation by explaining the impact on marine ecosystems when shark populations decline.
It covers the cascade or domino effects and the impact on shark intimidation (detailed in my July 15th posting). A quick read and visually attractive, it's available in .pdf format for easy emailing to any skeptics or Doubting Thomases you may know.

Editors Note: The
easy-to-read terminology and documented examples are key to the ongoing battle for the hearts and minds of the public and of the shark diving community which in many cases still sees sharks as little more than biological ATM Machines. Perhaps this strident report will begin change minds across the spectrum, only time will tell. One person. One website. One blog at a time.

HR 5741-RTSea's Blog Keeps the Torch Lit

Over at's Blog:

One step at a time . . . HR 5741 - the amendment to close an important loophole in the Shark Conservation Act of 2008 - has passed the House of Representatives and has moved on to the Senate for a vote. This is important legislation that will help put a dent in the taking and processing of shark fins.

The Humane Society is running an online support drive whereby you can email your state senator requesting support and passage of this important piece of shark conservation legislation. To send your senator an email, click here.

Give HR 5741 your support so that we can see it pass through Congress as quickly as possible. One step at a time, but every vote . . . and every fin . . . counts!

HR 5471 (background info)

Fish Research Divers at 400'-Warning

The guys over at Neutral Dive Gear posted this video of two research divers at 400'. We decided to post this after we had finished spraying coffee out of our noses. Apparently it's cold down there:

Canada-Maple Syrup, Nice People and Sharks?

According to a recent study more than 100 million sharks inhabit the cold dark miserable waters off Canada's Atlantic coast.

Here's a quick run down of what you might see if you were to dive there:


Of about 400 species of sharks found in the world’s oceans, 19 of those species are regularly found in or are occasional visitors to Atlantic Canadian waters:

•Atlantic sharpnose shark

•Basking shark

•Black dogfish shark

•Blue shark

Deepsea cat shark

•Dusky shark

•Great white shark

•Greenland shark

•Oceanic whitetip shark

Porbeagle shark

•Portuguese shark

•Rough sagre shark

•Sand tiger shark

Shortfin mako shark

•Smooth dogfish shark

•Smooth hammerhead shark

•Spiny dogfish shark

•Thresher shark

•Tiger shark

Editors Note: The critter in this picture is the Porbeagle shark, a close relative of Alaska's Salmon shark and a distant relative of the Great White shark...the thing coming out of it's mouth is a strawberry flavored liquorice whip. Shark researchers have found this flavour calms the sharks so they can work on them better.