The festivals short films are shark heavy so naturally we'll see you there:
Join me at the Cowell Theater with shark films and an analysis of sharks Myths and Misconceptions with shark experts and filmmakers following the films February 21 at the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival.
The panel discussion will begin at 3:15 PM in Room C260 at Fort Mason Center – opposite the main
entrance to Cowell Theater.
Dr. John McCosker, Senior Scientist and Chair Department of Marine Biology, California Academy of Sciences
Dr. Scot Anderson, Shark Research Scientist, Point Reyes Bird Observatory
Dr. Leonard Compagno, Shark Taxonomist, Board Member Save Our Seas Foundation, Curator of Fishes in the Division of Life Sciences and Head of the Shark Research Centre (SRC), Iziko Museums, Cape Town
Maria Brown Superintendent, Gulf of the Farallons National Marine Sanctuary
Lesley Rochat, Filmmaker, Manager and Director Education & Awareness, Save Our Seas Shark Centre (SOSSC), Founder, AfriOceans Conservation Alliance (AOCA)