In case you're sick of 24/7
Oilmegedden coverage coming out of the Gulf, here's some fun
BP oil related activities for you to do this week.
For instance, we have installed this
live video feed from the well head at 5000 feet. Courtesy of
BP and branded with their logo, you can watch the unfolding drama live, and even see unfortunate deep water sharks as
they blunder into the plume.
Speaking of Logo'sFor a more creative outlet this week, Greenpeace is asking for submissions to help redesign
BP's logo, guaranteed fun.
You can
submit your design here, and these are a few of the
submission to date. We are featuring one of the newer logo's
uploaded today.
That's it for now. Not much more to report from the Gulf, another 70,000 barrels streaming into the ocean, another day in the life of America's