Recent data coming out of Mote Marine Laboratory has found concentrations of anti-depressants and birth control drugs in local shark populations.
No, just licking the side of one of these critters will not remove your deep seated anger and depression...just yet. The data suggests larger forces at work here as millions of gallons of man made drugs are flushed each year in the U.S and are now appearing in fish populations.
Perhaps this is the reason China still consumes sharks fin. Since 1999 local hospitals in China have been recording emotionally stable patients, surprising cases of hair regrowth, and massive concentrations of Vitamin C in people who eat shark fin three times a week.
O.K - we made that last bit up.
What gets flushed into our water systems ends up somewhere. Kudos to the team at Mote Marine for the discovery. One more reason to not flush your meds.