The apparent understanding is that these animals are on the menu for five fleet vessels operating from Oxnard to Marina del Ray at $1,800 a day.
Fortunately since the mid 90's white sharks off the California coast are protected by law.
Or are they?
Our post caught the attention of a shark conservationist who contacted the apparent owner of sharks.us only to receive the following threatening email, in which Captain Mike Schmidt tracked Jennifer XXX down (we redacted her business information) and seems to threaten her in person.
He also made a statement in a previous email where he threatens to "kill a shark" for every "tree hugger" email she or any of her friends sends him. He doubles down on that threat in this follow up email.
Very classy guy.
Here's the email:
From:Capt. Mike Schmidt [mailto:chum@sharks.us]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 12:33 PM
To: JenniferXXX
Subject: Re:
Did you think I could not find you?
Do you think I will not call administration and report you?
Try me, and we will add another shark to the list and make a few phone calls as well!
You are not far now are you?
(business contact information for Jennifer xxx redacted)
Capt. Mike Schmidt
1720 N. Voyager Ave #A
Simi Valley, Cal. 93063
Tel: 1-877-807-2423
Cell: 1-818-262-6022
Fax: 1-800-760-1172