Image:Luke SorensenWe got the following update from the
Australian Marine Conservation Society who are taking the lead in the recent government sponsored white shark kills in Queensland.
We requested contact information from them so divers, shark conservation groups, and blog readers could directly get involved. Here are the points of contact they suggest we all take a minute to register a complaint about white sharks being targeted off the coast:
Hi Shark Divers,
Thanks for the email
It is great to see you guys out there helping save sharks. Your blog is fantastic. We are all very impressed.
Our key shark campaign is getting the QLD government phase out shark fishing across Queensland and this ties in well to getting rid of the Shark Control Program.
At the moment, it is worth taking a shot across the government's bow on sharks via the shark control program, but alluding to the need to stop all forms of shark fishing in QLD (which helps our key message)
Proposed Ask - In order to protect Australia's precious sharks and secure a better future for Queensland's marine ecotourism industry, we call on the Queensland Government to amend the Fisheries Management Act (Section 3A (1)) to discontinue the Shark Control Program, and to commit to phasing out shark fishing in Queensland within the next 4 years.
Key background reference - contacts:
Hon Tim Mulherin, MP
Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries
GPO Box 46
BRISBANE QLD 4001 Hon Peter Garrett, MP
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts
P.O. Box 6022
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
The Hon. Deslie Boyle
Minister for Tourism, Regional Development and Industry
Office 1 "McLeod South"
78-84 Spence Street
cairns@queenslandlaborteam.comLet me know what else you might need,
Kind regards
Craig Bohm, Campaigns Director
Australian Marine Conservation Society
PO Box 5136, MANLY QLD 4179
ph: +61 7 3393 5811
Mob: 0427 133 481
fax: +61 7 3393 5833
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