Discovering actual EU Rapid Alerts for toxic sharks is something to pay attention to - what's in your shark meat?
Notification date: 05 July 2011.
Notification from: Italy.
Notification Description: Mercury in frozen blue shark steaks (Prionace glauca).
Origin: Portugal.
Distributed to: Italy.
Amount: 832 kg.
Analytical Result: 3,51 +/- 0,31 mg/kg – ppm
Action taken: official detention.
Notification date: 26 April 2011.
Notification from: Poland.
Notification Description: Cadmium in frozen blue shark steaks.
Origin: Spain.
Distributed to: Poland.
Analytical Result: 0.081 mg/kg – ppm.
Action taken: withdrawal from market.
Notification date: 15 April 2011.
Notification from: Italy.
Notification Description: Mercury in frozen shark slices.
Origin: Thailand.
Distributed to: no distribution ( border rejection ).
Action taken: official detention.
Notification date: 14 April 2011.
Notification from: Spain.
Notification Description: Mercury in ‘white dogfish’.
Origin: Senegal.
Distributed to: no distribution ( border rejection ).
Analytical Result: 2.1 mg/kg – ppm.
Action taken: official detention.
Notification date: 14 April 2011.
Notification from: Spain.
Notification Description: Mercury in ‘white dogfish’.
Origin: Senegal.
Distributed to: no distribution ( border rejection ).
Analytical Result: 1.3 mg/kg – ppm.
Action taken: official detention.
Notification date: 07 March 2011.
Notification from: Italy.
Notification Description: Mercury in frozen slices of blue shark (Prionace glauca).
Origin: Spain.
Distributed to: Italy.
Analytical Result: 1.42 mg/kg – ppm.