This fall has been a challenge with tougher than normal crossings for the normally calm August month.
For DeGrey & Patty Phillips two newly certified Shark Divers, taking weather in stride meant the payoff of great white sharks and lots of them at Guadalupe, here's their report.
Trip report from DeGrey & Patty Phillips on their Aug. 25th. trip with Shark Diver:
We left Late the night of the 25th in heavy seas, stopping early the next morning in Encenada, Mexico to clear withe that country. After a very rough sea days jouney to Guadalupe we arrived safely. (although about half of our fellow guests were seasick).
Martin, our divemaster instructed us on all the safety and logistical aspects of our shark dive and we got in the cages and quickly saw our first white shark!
It was awesome and overall I believe we saw about 10 different sharks in the 3 days of diving.
My adrenaline would shoot up every time one of the crew yelled White Shark! Everyone not in the diving cage would dash to the rail to see and then pace waiting for their turn in the cage. The 1st day the water was quite clear with visibility of about 100" The next 2 days it was a bit murky, but we were still able to see the sharks well and get decent images.
The crew & captains were great, catering to any needs and the food was exceptional as Mark is an excellent chef. We particularly liked breakfast as Mark would make anything you could want to order!
The personal quarters were small, but you never spend much time in there so it's all one needs too sleep in relative comfort. The trip back was exceptionally calm and we saw sea turtles, whales and dolphins.
Getting through customs etc. was also a breeze. Hats off to Shark Diver for giving us a trip to remember for a lifetime. We are already looking at booking their Tiger shark adventure for next year!
Out of 5 stars we give it a 6!