Rob Altobelli
New Zealand Tourism Research Institute
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand
Date: 24 August, 2007
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Shark tourism in Fiji: An examination of education and interpretation.
This PhD research will examine the shark tourism industry (including shark diving/watching) in Fiji with specific attention being paid to the ‘shark tourist’ (individuals who pursue this tourist activity) and the role of education and interpretation as a management and experience enhancing tool. The thesis adopts two theories/models related directly to education and interpretation, including the concept of Mindfulness and Orams’ Interpretation Model. These two theories/models will form the backbone of the research and will be supplemented by literature in the following areas: Marine Ecotourism, Marine Tourism, Wildlife Tourism, and Marine Wildlife Tourism. Data will be collected using a triangulation (mixed methods) approach at selected dive/shark watching sites throughout Fiji. The main methodological tools being used include a combination of observation/conversation (with shark tourists), survey questionnaires (of shark tourists), and interviews (of shark tourism operators). The anticipated period for data collection in Fiji is around March to May 2008.
Rob Altobelli is a PhD candidate and Research Assistant at the New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (NZTRI) at AUT University. Originally from Canada, Rob recently graduated from Brock University’s (St. Catharines, Canada) Honours Bachelor of Tourism Studies programme. He arrived in New Zealand in 2006 to further his research interests in marine-based tourism under the supervision of Dr Michael Lück.