Meanwhile a growing chorus in the media are agreeing with our take that these unfortunate seals are the product of natural predation.
More Corkscrew Killer media this week from Fife in the U.K:
AN East Neuk man thinks he may have solved the mystery as to why dozens of dead seals have been found washed up on the Fife coast.
Donald Low, the relief harbour master at Pittenweem, contacted the Mail to say he thinks there may be a vicious shark on the prowl after a number of the mammals were found with mysterious cuts.'The Seal Ripper' focused on the unexplained deaths of seals, which were found with 'corkscrew like cuts' near a remote Atlantic island. Whilst filming the programme its makers discovered they were actually being killed by the Greenland Shark, which can grow to 24ft long.
Normally a native of Greenland and Iceland the sharks are thought to be moving into shallower waters in a desperate bid to find food.
Complete Post.