Three things we like about Jeremiah Sullivan.
1. He's the owner and creator of Neptunic
2. He likes sharks
3. Hires babes to model his anti-bite suits
When you stroll through the Neptunic Site you'll discover a whole world of anti-bite tech that will make your inner shark geek go wild.
These suits are the gold standard for hazardous encounters with frisky sharks.
Planning feeding a 8 foot Bull Shark in Cuba? You'll probably want to have this suit, or their all new Nemo 2 made with a "liquid crystal polymer fiber".
In the world of anti-bite tech for sharks on a "fleshy bite scale" of 1-5 it goes something like this:
1. Speedo wearing Bull Shark feeder aka mook
2. Surfer with short board
3. Diver with tank and James Bond dive knife
4. Diver with shark cage
5. Nemo 2
Of course the latest Nemo 2 anti-bite tech will set you back about $24,000 but with naked shark diving mini disasters like these, you may want to consider the suit. Oh, and by the way NEVER wear a Speedo to feed a Bull Shark:
Great header. You did perfectly well for the header. Hope to see more posts here in the future :D
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Wow that was SCARY.
I almost could not watch.
That guy in the Speedo is an idiot. Seriously, who feeds a shark like that?
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