Microsoft Corp, the big, ugly, ungainly Three Headed Hydra of the computer world has come out with a series of P.C ads designed to entice users to drop Mac's and migrate over to P.C's.
Too bad apparently no one told them there were clearer dive sites to shoot Great Whites in. But then again we are talking about P.C's and we are talking Microsoft. They have never been ones for serious innovation.
Here's a what a Mac white shark site would look like. See the difference? Oh, and by the way we're still P.C users but after our discovery of the iPhone-those Mac's sure are looking good:
You're right; I wonder what the clever boys at Mac would have done with this idea if it was their commercial?
I keep one PC laptop for some of clients, but nothing beats my two Macs.
Nah, This is the open source Linux Ad.
You can put whatever sign you like in there lol :-)
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