David Ireland, the Original Wildlife Man, is promoting a new shark film having just returned from Bora Bora in French Polynesia where he was filmed "shark wrangling" as part of his next project - a movie which combines fictional drama and wildlife documentary:
The story revolves around a bitter, broken documentary maker, living as a recluse, who is convinced to make another wildlife film to fund an operation to save a sick little girl.
Editors Note: Show us one serious documentary filmmaker who is not living as a recluse, and very bitter to boot. Apologies in advance the many filmmakers we know and love;)
Editors Other Note: Seriously, who read THAT show pitch and decided to fund it?
David is actually a good man, respectful & professional.
I was initially somewhat irritated by the macho antics of his marketing, but hey that's marketing I guess. PLUS he's an Ozzie! Need I say more.
We had him over last year,see http://fijisharkdiving.blogspot.com/2008/03/bad-footage.html and thoroughly enjoyed meeting him.
As to that storyline, well, what can I say.... but it sure beats throwing hams & turkeys at Sharks if u ask me...
100% of the amusement was generated by the Daily Telegraph coverage.
I checked his site and some of his clips seems like a nice chappie.
Still unsure about the show format, seriously, here we are pitching all these Sharky Blue Planet shows and a bitter, broken filmmaker, recluse gets bought?
Back to the drawing board;)
Oh, anything is better than the ham, turkey, and side 'o beef schtick.
And shame on any operator who works/enables those guys to do more of the same.
Hmmm anyone we know?
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