This week Sen John Kerry introduced a bill - The Shark Conservation Act, to the senate following the houses o.k that will hopefully slow down shark takes in US waters:
Bill Number: H.R. 81/S. 850
Bill Status: Passed House
Bill Sponsor(s): Rep. Madeleine Bordallo (D-GU), Sen. John Kerry (D-MA)
Legislature Status: In Session
To protect sharks from the cruel practice of shark finning (cutting off sharks' fins and throwing the sharks back in the water, often while still alive). Congress banned this practice in 2000, but enforcement is complex and there is room for cheating. This legislation closes a loophole that currently permits a vessel to transport fins obtained illegally as long as the sharks were not finned aboard that vessel.
Editors Note: The Humane Society USA has been following this issue closely.
First, Senator Kerry would have made a great president and second, I had no idea something this cruel was going on. I have no fondness for sharks, but this is just inhuman to do to any amphibiene or mamal.
Two things you should never blog about, religion and politics...we always fail on both. I'll have the Turkey, the Ham - would not have made a good president but against Bush?
Oh well at least we have the shark legislation;)
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