See NPR Gulf oil spill widget.
None of the major media outlets have broken the ongoing story of the 2010 Hurricane Season which officially kicks off June 1.
This image is Hurricane Katrina with the latest oil spill map from NOAA put together by RTSea Productions.
If Katrina landed this year its Category 3 sustained winds of 127 miles an hour it would plow right though the oil disaster area and BP's runaway wellhead off the Gulf coast.
Colorado State University predicts this to be an "above average season." Halting relief well drilling efforts and clean up will be these storms first impacts. Taking surface oil airborne and carrying it far in shore with 100-140 mile an hour winds will be these storms second and most devastating effect.
Hurricane Oilmageddon
The real eco disaster waiting to play out are raining oil micro dropletts coming ashore as far away as Texas, the southern states, and large parts of Mexico, as Gulf hurricanes suck up millions of gallons of surface moisture and spilled oil. These micro dropletts of oil will rain down on rivers, lakes, farm land, and cities covering the landscape.
"Oilmageddon," on a biblical scale.
Latest 2010 Hurricane Forecast Predictions
- Colorado State University issued its annual report on the year's hurricane forecast predictions.University forecasters William Gray and Phil Klotzbach each stated that El Nino conditions will likely dissipate by summer. In addition they believe that the warm tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures will not drop and will remain at the current temperatures. These temperatures have reportedly been much warmer than usual.Because of this phenomenon, Gray and Klotzbach indicate that the 2010 hurricane season will be above-average. Specifically, they said that the warmer-than-average sea surface temperatures will "[lead] to favorable conditions for hurricanes to develop and intensify."
Why is the media not covering this?
That is awesome, btw. Oil rain. Cool.
Holy crap!
Thanks for posting this. I immediately thought of this scenario the 1st day the oil spill occurred. I haven't seen 1 major news venue even mention the 2 topics "oil spill" and "hurricane season" together.
Perhaps the only good news is that the UofC weatherheads have predicted an "above average" season. Of course, this probably means there won't be hardly any at all...we hope.
Yes, Oil Rain. On a side note if you want to see how this might play out read the 1979 recap of the Mexico oil well explosion that sent 3 million barrels into the Gulf:
Sounds plausible a cat 3-4 would do it alright
Winds of 100+ will stir all surface oil into a "Chocolate Mousse"
Light enough to be carried by winds into the main vortex and distributed widely. The science is there.
NPR says 70,000 barrels a day now gushing into the Gulf.
This is amazing 70,000 barrels a day and now the hurricanes someone hates new orleans.
Once, I had an old motorcycle which I tired to start up but it only sprayed oily exhaust all over the place, including over several garden shrubs. I thought nothing of it until they were dead a few weeks later. If this can compare to what might happen in the Gulf, then indeed "oilmageddon" is the proper term.
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