The recently completed mega hotel in Oceanside, known for it's 3.7 million litre interactive salt water swimming pool, had an unexpected and unwelcome guest that arrived sometime during last evenings tempest.
When Dieter Franz and his wife got up early for a swim they saw something that chilled their bones, a 5 meter great white shark in the pool. "At first we did not know what it was, but then it turned and swam towards us at high speed, we thought this was not mentioned on the holiday brochure".
The shark was reported to police and sea rescue about 7:00am by hotel management who arrived on site and promptly shot the massive shark. "If we get a confirmed sighting of a large shark in the area then we just get on the water, patrol around, sometimes with boats moving around and that sort of thing," said police Superintendent Robbie Taylor. "This was something we never expected".
A local fisherman told police the a shark of similar size had followed his boat as he was leaving the bay the week prior. Police think the massive predator was somehow washed into the pool during the height of the storm and that the animal survived only to be discovered by the German tourists.
The shark was donated to a local research lab who took samples from the animal. The jaws were donated to the holiday makers by the hotel management. "We have one of the best holiday stories ever when we get home!"
The following Underwater Onion was brought to you by Shark Diver. Yes, it is the 1st of April what did you expect?
Is that Tom Brady in the picture, or is it just me?
It's from 2008 so anything is possible;)
This isn't funny at all. My brother died this way.
That is totally Tom Brady.
Nice April Fools. While living in post-Katrina New Orleans, my friend (yes, really) swears that he saw a very small shark outside Metarie in Jefferson Parish (yes, really) right after the storm. The water was thigh-deep, and there he/she was - just swimming along near the courthouse. Small one 3 feet. Who knows if it's true or if he read it right. But either way, sharks washed up through that event - exciting times.
Aren't. Great whites protected?why the crap did they have to kill it?
I'm not a diver but I do have a strong belief that animals should be treated with respect, what was this giant going to do if they were not even in the pool? I feel it was rather cruel to kill it, after all it hadn't exactly gotten there by choice!
You do realize, this blog was written on April 1?
It's an april fools joke.
Oh my goodness! I thought there was something a little weird going on here! Just didn't pay attention to the date!
On that note, it was quite a good April fools, certainly got me ;)
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