Beqa Adventure Divers, known as BAD, is celebrating it's 15th anniversary. We want to congratulate BAD for being one of the most awesome dive companies in the world. Their moto, "We are a conservation group, masquerading as a dive shop" is more than a mere slogan. What they have accomplished in their 15 year history is simply amazing.
Bull Shark at the Shark Reef Marine Reserve |
If you ever heard of what
Valerie Taylor called the best shark dive in the world, she was referring to the dive at the
Shark Reef Marine Reserve, operated by none other than
BAD. And speaking of the
Shark Reef Marine Reserve, it was created by BAD in 2004. Initial fish counts at the reef showed about 280 different species of fish, which is very bad for the south pacific. After 10 years of protecting the reef, the number of species increased to 480! As of November, 2014, Shark Reef Marine Reserve has been designated Fiji’s first National Marine Park and BAD was being entrusted with its day-to-day management. To my knowledge, this is the first national park in the world that was created due to the efforts of a single private entitiy.
There are a few sharks to be encountered |
But creating a national park is not all that
BAD has accomplished. They also partnered with
Projects Abroad to create
Mangroves for Fiji, a project designed to combat global warming and now their latest,
My Fijishark a shark adoption program benefitting protection and conservation of the sharks in Fiji.
Congratulations to
BAD for being the best conservation shark diving operation! Keep up the good work!
The BAD boys and girls, celebrating! |
Shark Diver is proud to be using
BAD for our
Bull Shark diving expeditions to Fiji. We are heading there in May, and we can book a Bull Shark dive for you anytime of the year.
For more information on our Bull Shark diving adventures, call us at 619.887.4275 or email for more information.
Let's go Shark Diving!
Martin Graf
Shark Diver
About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at