Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More than one Species of Great White Shark?

After 10 years of watching Great White Sharks at Isla Guadalupe I learned that those creatures will continually surprise and amaze you. Just when we think we know them, we learn something new.

I also learned that the news media will continue to misrepresent and twist the facts to get a good headline. According to an article on Red Orbit, Australian Great White Sharks Are Actually Two Distinct Species

The actual quote of the scientist doesn't mention anything about two different species, it say simply that there are genetic differences.

“The genetic makeup of white sharks west of Bass Strait was different from those on the eastern seaboard of Australia – despite the lack of any physical barrier between these regions,” said Professor John Pandolfi, a Chief Investigator at the University of Queensland.

The headline misses the real interesting part of the study.  
“Our tagging and tracking showed that white sharks travel thousands of kilometers,” said Barry Bruce, a lead study researcher from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). 

“Now we know that while white sharks across Australia can mix, the intriguing thing is that they seem to return to either east or western regions to breed,” Bruce said.

You can read the actual study here.

Don't trust the headlines, check their sources and stay informed.


Martin Graf
Dive Operations Manager
Shark Diver/Horizon
Isla Guadalupe, Mexico
“Now we know that while white sharks across Australia can mix, the intriguing thing is that they seem to return to either east or western regions to breed,” Bruce said.
“Now we know that while white sharks across Australia can mix, the intriguing thing is that they seem to return to either east or western regions to breed,” Bruce said.

About Shark Diver. As a global leader in commercial shark diving and conservation initiatives Shark Diver has spent the past decade engaged for sharks around the world. Our blog highlights all aspects of both of these dynamic and shifting worlds. You can reach us directly at

1 comment:

George said...

I did a double-take when I first read the headline. :O)